Shoot Me Now

About This Project

Technical Nominations in Best Film, Best Art Direction, Best Story


An overbearing director falls into a mania as the most important shot of his film is repeatedly ruined by technical mishaps.


Rob Dahlman, Max Gingras
Samantha Chandler, Jemma Gladstone
Keith, Nathan Kim
Ashley, Rina Short
Cynthia, Janna Lacey
Writers, Maxwell Chen, Tatum Fry, Sean Mawhinney, Renee Lefebvre
Director, Sean Mawhinney
Cinematographer, Maxwell Chen
Sound Technician, Renee Lefebvre
Sound Editors, Maxwell Chen, Renee Lefebvre
Editors, Tatum Fry, Sean Mawhinney
Effects, Tatum Fry


Special Thanks
Jay Tseng, Prop Provider
Valerie Lawlor, Location Liaison
Craig Premack
George Edwards
Warren Johnson

Comedy, Nominated